Hands typing on keyboard with items around her on the desk. Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic - Best Low Cost Course for Blog Traffic

Best Low-Cost Blogging Course for Skyrocketing Your Traffic… Fast!

A quick overview of what I believe to be the best low cost course for getting tons of traffic to your blog.  

Whether you’re brand new to blogging altogether or you’ve got some experience (like I do), you’ll get highly actionable strategies you can start using right now. 

I want to start by saying that the opinions in this post are 100% my own. I haven’t been asked to write this post and chose to do so because I find the quality of this course to be so high, I wanted to share it with you.

I learned SO much from Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic, even as an experienced blogger. 

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*This post may contain affiliate links.  This means if you purchase something after clicking a link on my site, I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you.  This is how I’m able to provide quality reviews.  Please note that I do not promote any course or product if I do not 100% believe in the course creator and their ability to provide you with the high-quality information you need to meet your goals. 

So, What IS the BEST Low Cost Course for Getting Tons of Blog Traffic?

I’ve been blogging since 2016 and recently decided to put more effort into building up my traffic. 

I had already taken Write Your Way to Your First 1K by Elna Cain and saw that she had a course about blogging.

Given how life changing it was to take her freelance writing for beginners course, I figured her blog traffic course had to be of similar quality.

I was BANG ON right. 

Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic can only be described as “everything you need to know about blog traffic” in one tightly packaged course. 

Every module is quick to learn, actionable, and easy to get through. 

What I love most about this course is how she takes these subjects and breaks them down into easy to understand topics. 

Getting traffic from things like SEO, backlinks, Pinterest, and networking can start to feel REALLY overwhelming, especially if you’re new to it.  

Elna has a way of dissecting these topics and giving extremely detailed tutorials so they are easy to understand, and simple to implement. 

Get Answers to Your Blog Traffic Questions

Woman sitting on desk typing at a computer with text overlay that says "The Best Low-Cost Online Writing Course for New Freelance Writers"

Whether you’re new to blogging or have been at it for a while, there are questions you constantly have like:

How can I increase my blog traffic?

In Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic Elna gives you SEVERAL ways to increase your blog traffic.  Even if you hate posting on social media, you’ll still walk away with lots of ways to boost blog traffic. 

Where can I promote my blog for free?

Elna gives you a variety of ways to promote your blog for free.  No ads required, no paid promotions.  All of the strategies she teaches require no fee.  

How do I get my blog noticed by Google?

In the course, you’ll not only learn about SEO, but you’ll learn about Elna’s method for attracting Google traffic.  It’s a bit different than what most people teach and, in my opinion, is a better long term strategy.  

Her entire method is designed to use all the strategies available to strengthen your authority with Google, but not like any other course I’ve seen. 

How long before my blog gets traffic?

Elna gives you actual case studies.  Many courses will just say “it depends” when answering this question. 

She has several blogs and posts how long it takes her to increase traffic using her methods on these blogs with screenshots and case studies.  

How much traffic is good for a blog?

In Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic you’ll discover the different ways she has monetized sites and how much traffic affects those particular blogs.  Every blog is different and depending on how you monetize will depend on how much traffic is “good” for a blog. 

How do I get more blog readers?

You’ll also learn other ways to get more readers.  With email scripts, networking strategies, and more, Elna goes way above and beyond the regular Pinterest and SEO strategies that are taught in most other courses.  

She shows you how it works with examples and screenshots all the way through. 

What You Get With Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic

This is a high level overview of what Elna teaches in this course.  She gets really deep into each subject.  

But what I love about it is that each lesson goes to the core of the topic and builds out from there. 

If you aren’t super techy, that’s okay.  You’ll get highly descriptive tutorials. 

You’ll find highly actionable strategies for:

  • SEO
  • Pinterest
  • Networking
  • Guest posting
  • Email marketing
  • Backlinking
  • Authority building
  • Social media 

This list is just the beginning. 

You’ll find:

  • Case studies
  • Scripts
  • Checklists
  • Detailed screenshots and tutorials
  • How to guides
  • Video walkthroughs
  • Downloadable printables
  • Real life examples

If I could gift this course to every new blogger that asks me about how to blog, I would.  

Yes, I get a commission for any sales from this page, but if I could go back in time and tell 2016 me to take this course, I would.  

Pinterset image with text overlay "best low-cost blogging course - skyrocket your blog traffic"

Who Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic Was Designed For

This course was designed for bloggers who monetize their blogs with:

  • Ad revenue
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Their own products or courses
  • Driving traffic to their business

It’s designed for anyone who wants more traffic to their blog.

Why Choose Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic by Elna Cain

Desk with items all over the top, chair, and couch.  REady set blog for traffic by elna cain

Elna makes a living as a freelance writer and blogger. 

She has several blogs and teaches methods to drive traffic from various sources. 

What I like most about the teachings in this course are that Elna approaches blogs with the reader in mind. 

She is authentic and real just like the rest of us. 

Elna is honest and backs up her claims with screenshots of her progress. 

I also took Elna’s Write Your Way to Your First 1K course, so I can see who enters her course (primarily advertised through the same methods she teaches in Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic).  

With so many students consistently entering her courses, the screenshots she’s shared, and my understanding of blogging, I know Elna is being honest when she says she’s making 20K per month with her blogs.  

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math. 

Lots of Courses Have Fluff, Does Ready Set Blog for Traffic Have Filler Content?

Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic is lean.

The ONLY ‘fluff’ that I could find (and I had to dig deep to find it) is that there are a few videos from live training videos she’s done in the past.  This means the first 5 minutes or so are of Elna giving people time to join her video.  They also have her saying hi to people and answering comments.  

That’s pretty much it.  

The rest of this course is packed so tightly with usable and actionable information, it’s worth every single penny you pay for it. 

I have ZERO patience for courses that don’t provide tight, relevant, and highly actionable content.  

You won’t see a course or product recommendation on this site unless it’s exactly like Elna’s… only what you need to know and none of the bullshit. 

Should You Enroll In Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic?

Whether or not you should enroll in Ready, Set, Blog for Traffic depends on two things. 

  1. Are you serious about getting more traffic to your blog?
  2. Are you ready to put what you learn into action?

If you answered yes to BOTH of these questions, you should definitely enroll. 

If you’re blogging for the fun of it and don’t care about monetizing, maybe it’s not for you. 

If you burn through courses and never actually implement what you learn…. Stop that!  You’re wasting your money!

If you want to build a solid blog traffic strategy, then it’s worth forking over the small fee.  In my opinion, this course is actually underpriced for what’s being taught.  

If you only implement one or two strategies learned, you will likely still see a boost in traffic and income (depending on how you’re monetizing).  

What’s the Risk?

By now, you’re thinking, “Should I risk spending money on this course?  Will I get out of it what I spend?”

The answer to this depends on how you’re monetizing.  But given the low cost of this course, it shouldn’t be hard to recuperate your investment. 

And keep in mind, if you build a strong traffic strategy, you’re building traffic like an avalanche picking up speed.  It builds over time and depending on how you’re monetized, could pay you over and over again. 

For example, if you’re monetizing with ad revenue and you improve your traffic going forward by 25%, you’ll be getting paid back for your investment over and over again. 

The only other risk is if you take the course and don’t take any action.  

Are You Ready to Blog for Traffic?

If you’re serious about making your blog an income source and ready to put in the time, do yourself a favour and learn from Elna. 

Especially if you’re brand new. 

I’ve been blogging since 2016 and I’ve taken a lot of courses.  I could have saved myself a lot of stress if I had just taken this course right from the start. 

I’m now 5 years into blogging and I STILL learned a lot from this course.  

It’s a one stop shop for everything you need to know about building traffic to a blog

Other than staying up to date on algorithm changes, every core lesson you need about ways to build traffic and exactly how is built into this course. 

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